Polar Bear on the Loose

Chronicles of a polar bear's life in society.

Email: mercuryranch AT yahoo.com

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Sigh. Yes. I can say, "Slam Dunk."

Got my carry-on packed. I read Holly Lisle's "Wreck of Heaven" while She was gone last time, but I didn't read the first book in the series, "Memory of FIre," yet. That went into my carry-on for this forced vacation She's taking me on. I've also been reading S. L. Viehl's "StarDoc" series. I need to find the third and fourth books before I dive into the fifth (when She went looking for the second book in the series, She also found the fifth but not the third and fourth). She may not mind reading a series out of order, but it seems almost sacreligious to me.

Ugh, I have to go get my fur ready for travel. Be back as soon as I can. Grumble. Grumble. Grumble.


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